2023 Coffee Roaster of the Year

beanited award 2023 Roaster of the year

This year has been a amazing chapter in the world of coffee, and the excitement continues as we unveil the recipient of this year's prestigious coffee roaster award:

Yili, from Roast By Yili!


  1. Coffee quality: Determined by how many customers repurchase the same coffee
  2. Delivery time: Their commitment to making sure customers get their coffee fast and at a reasonable rate
  3. Reviews: Reviews are super important, customer reviews and constant feedback are what make the difference.

This award is reserved for coffee roasters whose coffee roasting techniques truly captivate customers, and Yili has truly earned this honor. Whether it's the loyal patrons who can't resist Yili's coffee or those who, after tasting various options, decide to stick with Roast By Yili, the impact is undeniable.

Yili's dedication is evident in the super-fast delivery, consistently reaching customers within an impressive 1-2-day turnaround, with most parcels arriving in under 3 days. 

And finally customers can't stop singing praises for Yili's coffee. Reviews, both on our site and feedback from many happy individuals, are flooded with commendations for the exceptional quality and flavor that Yili consistently delivers.

Roast by Yili blends
Thank you, Yili, for making this year truly exceptional in the world of coffee. Your unwavering commitment and outstanding work are what make the coffee experience extraordinary. Keep up the delicious coffee roasting work!


Customer Repurchase

Prepare to be addicted! The roaster's coffee is a hit, with customers constantly coming back for another bag. Experience the Top 2023 Coffee Selections with High Customer Repurchase Rates.

Delivery time

This roasters commitment to making sure customers get their coffee fast has incredible delivery time, some waiting 1 day for their coffee and others within customer expectations timeframes and at a reasonable rate.


Reviews are important for every business, this years reviews are no different, customers reviews and feedback stating how happy they are with the Roaster make a massive difference