Our Story

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One of the best feelings I have ever had was walking into a little street, finding a 

little café with barely any signs and the coffee blew my mind 🤯!!! Then I bought the coffee home only to realise its from a coffee roaster I have never heard of before. This coffee changed my life!

I only wished there was a place where we can try and purchase coffee from this roaster and all the coffee roasters in Australia (currently over 300), a place when we buy their beans we can write a review about it. A place where we can learn about their story and their unique coffee profiles. Similar to a marketplace, but dedicated to coffee. But there was none 🥺 

I’m no computer website developer or have the funds to do this, but I wanted this so bad that I decided to learn to build a website, one where I can bring the coffee roasters at no cost to them on this online platform, I founded Beanited – coffee roasters united. I did this because I’m so passionate about coffee and people that I want everyone to enjoy this as much as I do.

We want to give you the possibility for them to share with you all the hard work they have put into in preparing their unique blend, how they came up with their taste profiles and why they love this industry so much.

We can’t wait for you to get to taste their beautiful unique blend in the comfort of your own home.

Since we are in the infancy of this start-up we are slowly getting more roasters to join us. We would love any feedback you may have or recommend.

Thank you coffee family. Enjoy the site and we hope you enjoy your coffee whatever it may be 😀

The Beanited Team


Any questions please fill out this form and we will contact you