What is Particle Distribution
Its so important to have the right grind setting for the best tasting coffee.
When you grind coffee beans, the grind will not be all the same size, some grind particles will be slightly bigger then others, if the coffee particles are unevenly fragmented into different sizes, this will affect the taste of your coffee.
The grind particle distribution is the distance between your smallest grind size and your largest ones in one coffee shot.

The grind size of coffee beans affects the flavor and strength of the coffee.
Using a high quality grinder and at the right setting can help you achieve the perfect cup of coffee. Cheaper models use cheap burr's that hack the beans and the coffee will not come out as it is intended to be.
A better quality grinder will distribute the coffee particles evenly giving you a better tasting coffee.
When looking into getting a new grinder, always get a grinder that gives you a better grind for the kind of coffee you like to drink. And grind on demand, don't let the coffee sit in the basket, that is just coffee love 101.
Listen to Dan from First Fruit Specialty Coffee explain more about grind sizes and particle distribution.