What is Air-Roasted Coffee? From Kuki Coffee in Gold Coast
What is Air-Roasted Coffee?
Air-roasted coffee utilises state-of-the-art technology to roast coffee beans on a bed of hot air, known as a fluid bed. Doing this removes the outer skin of the beans and allows them to become evenly roasted on all sides. This process allows for the creation of lightly roasted coffee, medium roasted coffee, and dark roasted coffee. Whatever tickles your fancy, air-roasted coffee produces a deliciously balanced roast every time!
How is Air-Roasted Coffee different from Traditional Roasting?
As mentioned above, air roasting coffee utilises state-of-the-art heating technology that creates a fluid bed of hot air. In the convection process, heat evenly engulfs each bean, resulting in a consistent roast. The output for each batch of air-roasted coffee usually isn't too large, hence why most roasters opt for traditional drum-roasting in order to produce larger quantities per roast.
In comparison, traditional methods of roasting coffee most commonly involve heating a large drum. In doing so, the beans are continuously spun and simultaneously roasted using the conduction process. Unfortunately, this can lead to an unbalanced roast as some beans become burnt, whereas others are only lightly roasted.
That’s why here at Kuki Coffee, we’re proud air-roasted coffee stockists because we believe in delivering consistently premium products.
Does Air Roasted Coffee taste different to Drum-Roasted Coffee (Beans)?
Air roasted coffee is typically purer in taste and less acidic than its drum roasted counterparts. This is a result of the air roasting process that allows coffee beans to become evenly engulfed with hot air, dissolving the outer layer and removing any residue or foreign particles. Due to this, air-roasted coffee beans consist of a much less bitter and cleaner flavour profile.
Drum roasted coffee beans, on the other hand, are slightly more acidic and contain a more bitter flavour profile.